Monday, 15 June 2020

Misconceptions about Bed Bugs and Their Infestations

Bed bugs are very common in most of the households. However, some of us overlook the need of removing them, as we consider them not much harmful to us. These bugs feed on the blood of avian and mammalian. Interestingly, human beings are one of the favorite hosts to these bed bugs. Many of us think that only unsanitary conditions can result in the infestation of bed bugs. But, removal of clutter will alleviate the number of bugs. You can still find bed bugs, hiding them in different places. We are going to share several other myths about bed bugs. However, your first step is to call professionals for pest control in West Palm Beach.

Our naked eyes cannot identify bed bugs

Although these bugs are very small creatures, they are visible to our eyes. You may also take a magnifying glass to have a clear view.

Bite marks on the skin always indicate the presence of bed bugs

It is another bed bug myth among homeowners. Bites of other insects may also leave marks on your skin. To confirm your suspicion, you can call a professional team for pest control in West Palm Beach.

Mattress encasements will solve the problem of bed bugs

Encasements may prevent infestation of bugs to your mattress. However, these small bugs will find some ways to reach your bed. Thus, in spite of using an encasement for mattress, you have to treat bed bugs in other effective techniques.

Bed bugs bite only when it is a dark site

You may find bed bugs becoming active during nighttime. At any time, they have a chance to bite.

Now, you can look for the best professionals for pest control in West Palm Beach. They will remove bed bugs and other pests from your house.